Current SCL Policies and Procedures

CURRENT Welfare Policy 25.02.25 CURRENT Website Management 25.02.25 CURRENT Student Placement Policy 25.02.25 CURRENT Lone Worker Policy – 25.02.25 CURRENT Fire & Health & Safety Plan 25.02.25 CURRENT Equality & Diversity Policy 25.02.25 CURRENT De-Escalation Policy 25.02.25 CURRENT Data Protection Privacy Statement 25.02.25 CURRENT Complaints Procedure 25.02.25 CURRENT – Safeguarding Policy Statement February 2025

New Chair of Trustees

  We are thrilled to share the exciting news that Rev’d Tony Leighton has now taken up his position as the new Chair of Trustees. Rev’d Tony brings a wealth of experience, wisdom and leadership to this vital role. His dedication to community service and his commitment to our mission make him and ideal choice…

Your Support Needed!

As the colder months of Autumn and Winter approach, we are seeking donations to support our Creative Cafe and Choir sessions. These sessions provide a warm, safe space where our guests can enjoy a hot drink and companionship.Every contribution counts whether large or small. Please consider donating today and make a real difference this Autumn…

Welcome Back

It has been a busy three weeks since we came back after the Summer break. Our guests are busy getting ready to celebrate our 10th anniversary which is fast approaching. Keep an eye out for some throwback images in the next couple of weeks.

SoundCafe Foxes Football Festival

This years SoundCafe Foxes Football Festival was held on Thursday 23rd May 2024 at St Margaret’s Pastures working in partnership with Leicester City in the Community.   Again, it featured teams not only from the city but also across the East Midlands which helps to foster a sense of camaraderie and community spirit. A big…